I can think of three off the top of my head (I'll get into those in a bit). Dungeon Depths manages to dodge that sort of thing by having almost none of its transformations be game overs. When it's merely one JPEG becoming a different JPEG in a game where I can get through without ever seeing a TF. The issue is that a lot of TF games do essentially the same thing but without the qualities that Changed has.

Not to mention, it's high difficulty means you'll be seeing the transformations quite a lot, so they stick with you even though some of them are very quick. Changed, one of my favorite games, wouldn't really be able to function properly if transformations weren't game overs and it more than makes up for it with the TFs being fully animated. Don't get me wrong, some games do that really well. That's something I feel many TF games miss the mark on despite these games being made for people who are into TF, be that sexually or otherwise, they always tend to make transformations a game over. I think it has some gameplay effects on magic users, like it makes their spells less likely to miss or backfire, but it also affects certain transformations.Īs if the variety of transformations wasn't already enough to provide endless amounts of fun, one of the very best parts of Dungeon Depths is the fact that almost all of them are 100% playable. In terms of stats, you have your typical RPG stats like ATK, DEF, and SPD, along with an additional one: WILL. High lust will spawn Succubus Queens highly difficult bosses who can drain several levels and also curse your player. Medium lust will spawn Succubi they're dangerous as they can drain levels from your character, but they also drop neat loot. Low lust will spawn Imps not dangerous, but can increase your lust during the fight.
Bimbo high f95 plus#
If it's high, your character won't necessarily collapse and masturbate like in Lust Doll Plus (I'll review that too at some point), but it will cause demons to spawn on the floor. Your Lust Meter measures how horny your hero is. Stamina gradually lowers over time and is used not only to keep your character from keeling over and dying on the spot, but to use Special Moves which are kind of like spells for non-magic classes. You have a Health Meter and Mana Meter along with a Stamina Meter and Lust Meter. Your basic goal each floor is to collect treasure, build up XP and get new armors, and eventually best the boss. The enemies you'll face will either be RPG mainstays like slimes, spiders and mimics, or they can be more blatantly fanservice-y ones, like Goo-Girls, succubi, and arachne. After the fifth floor you can kind of just leave them whenever. With most of the first floors, you'll need to partake in a boss-fight before you can leave. These can be littered with NPCs, chests, and also traps. The game autogenerates floors of the dungeon for you to explore.